Doctor Muses 1

With the adventure of new travel it felt like a good time to take up this blog again. Leaving New Zealand was an interesting task full of anticipation, anxiety and aggravation.

Aberystwyth made most of the process surprisingly easy as did the wonderful people at Victoria who farewelled me over the period of two weeks with incredible warmth and understanding. I received the pounamu feeling most appreciated and a sense of how appropriate it will be to carry a piece of Aotearoa with me to Cymru.
I enjoyed a dinner out with John, Angela, Michael and Emma, longstanding friends confidantes and those who keep me young at heart before leaving Wellington. I spend a lovely week with my Mother Joan in her new town of Auckland and just marvel at their generosity of my Brother Robbie and his partner Nikki's work on the little flat in their house that Joan will be installed in. Without their love and support this new iteration of Gregor would be impossible.
A thirty hour travel from NZ to UK is something I will work to avoid in future and landing in London was only sweetened by finding that my Luggage was one missing and my clothes were still in San Francisco. However a quick trip to Oxford Street provided me with a few essentials and after sleeping like a log it was off to Hatfield and the Walking in Eternity conference at the University of Hertfordshire and the pleasure of meeting my supervisor and others who work in the field of TV studies and Doctor Who in particular. More to come....


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