I flew Auckland to San Francisco and
then on to London. Unfortunately my clothes decided to stay in San Fran. I
arrived therefore in London sweaty, and irritable with no choice but to go down
to Oxford Street to pick up some temporary fill ins- naturally I am now a
fashion icon. However, this has
underlined that most Cameron of disabilities, one I share somewhat with my
brother. It seems we have been blessed with no discernable hips on which to
hook our trousers on. In simple terms, whenever I breathe in and engage my
abdominal muscles, my trousers fall down. So far, so funny. Without my bag I
was ok….
The next day I travelled to the
University of Hertfordshire to the Walking in Eternity conference. My clothes
followed a couple of days later. At the conference were gathered many of the
most important academics in the field of television studies including my
supervisor Matt Hills. However there was also a sociologist and a lawyer and
exciting for me a theatre director/academic. All of these people work in a sense
trying to make clear what the media and our interaction with it tells us about
our world and culture- it was wonderful of course to also find out just how
geeky fan we all could be as well. I met Kim Akass and James Chapman, Stacey
Abbott and David Butler, David Lavery and Lorna Jowett, Billy Smart and Ross
Garner, Christopher Marlow and Richard Hewett, Bethan Jones and David Cottis,
Laura Black and Eric Hall. A wonderful, colourful cavalcade of characters, full
of inspiration and challenge.
Some of the papers given covered
such topics as how characters in culture often reflect the medium in which they
originate, how women are represented within the form, how this defiantly
English form translates across the ditch in America, how anniversaries are celebrated
as part of a legitimising process, and other fascinating subjects. However we
still had time to play with K9.
This is where the fun began. As I
left UH I realised just how awkward my luggage was, heavy and awkward. I would
need two hands to manhandle it and if I needed to lift it anywhere then the
inevitable would happen. To make a long story short let us just say that I
managed to moon the station at Hertfordshire, the taxis at Paddington and the
reception staff at Bankside while making a grand entrance.
I then had some time to visit
London- and managed to have a little word with one of the citizens about his
behaviour. Not that I think it will do any good. I managed to enjoy a play at
the globe, a musical (SF) at the Union Theatre and became very well informed
about the stock at Forbidden Planet and Fopp. After that I headed for Phillip's
house in Didcot, just out of Oxford, for some rest and relaxation. Phillip is
one of my dearest friends and the son of Holly and Geoff Debnam, who will host
us at Christmas in their new town of Torquay. They kindly offered to drive me
from there to Aberystwyth, though we did detour for a morning ramble in
Hay-on-Wye. There are forty Bookshops in that tiny village so a good time was
had by all.

Finally I arrived in Aberystwyth.
This week has been very busy meeting important folk, like my second supervisor,
Sarah Thomas, and we have suffered five inductions- International,
Postgraduate, Departmental, Union and Residential- so that we have a pretty
good idea of what is in store for us. I have also been able to have a look
about the village, finding the comic shop and the cinema. I have fallen in love
with the Arts Centre and expect many wonderful hours to be spent there and this
weekend I walked over to the Meeting House to discover Welsh Friends. Their Meeting
House felt like coming home with the meeting operating almost exactly as ours
does in Wellington.
All in all, a terrific experience.