A New Years Tail
As I come to the end of my holiday here in Dunedin I am thinking about the past year. I spent some wonderful times with family and friends that needs to be acknowledged. I really enjoyed my time down here and spent a lot of time with my Mum.

We did a bit of sightseeing and I found out a bit of Family history- BTW my friend Richard also has a job at this cemetery developing a database and dealing with the various visitors and their concerns.

Richard has been a faithful friend and its great to have enjoyed his company to three films over the break- I was particularly taken with The Day the Earth Stood Still.

My mother and I also spent Christmas dinner with Peter and June- old family friends who feel more like family. And we spent time with my Mother's friends Allan and margaret who also seem to have been part of my whole life. Dunedin continues to hold a number of surprises for me as I touched base with some of my father's extended family some of whom I have been in touch with and some I haven't seen in twenty five years. my cousin Claire and her flatmate Fiona joined Mum and I for a meal and then at Claire's suggestion I spent a very pleasant time with her brother Malcolm, who shares an interest in SF and television and who has the good taste to be a Mac Man.

All of which brings me back to the friends I have here in Dunedin still- for instance Julian and his family and Mike and his family, both of whom I had nice times with.

All of which brings me back to the friends I have here in Dunedin still- for instance Julian and his family and Mike and his family, both of whom I had nice times with.
Somehow a fortnight can so quickly fill up- with the Toshes and friends and family and Mothers but never forgetting those away on the other side of the world
So here's to everybody a great 2009- may your dreams walk beside you and lift your spirits up to the place that flies
Best Gregor