Some television thoughts

Well it has been a wonderful year for me and TV.
I spent Semester one tutoring in the News Analysis paper here at Victoria and semester two tutoring on the Television Narrative paper. I enjoyed both but being a sucker for TV enjoyed the challenge of looking a little closer at my favourite stories and in turn the other genres of TV that perhaps I have less time for.
A Short list of enjoyed and recommended texts- in no particular order except of course- Doctor Who which tops the subject area of most of my Tutorials.
Doctor Who (UK)
Pushing Daisies (US)
Lost (US)
Heroes (US)
Bone Kickers (UK)
Primeval (UK)
Boston Legal (US but close to jumping the shark)
Ashes to Ashes (UK) and by association Life on Mars (UK)
Vice City (UK)
Dexter (US)
Funland (UK)
Battlestar Galactica (US)
Torchwood (UK)
Flashpoint (Can)
Terminator:the Sarah Connor Chronicles (US)
Outrageous Fortune (NZ)
The Pretender (NZ)
Wayne Anderson (NZ)
Amazing Race (US)
Home and Away (OZ)
Underbelly (OZ)
Summer Heights High (OZ)
City Homicide (OZ)
Survivors (UK)
Entourage (US)
Sarah Jane Adventures (UK)
Jekyll (UK)
Mythbusters (US)
OK I admit a couple or three DVD viewing crept in there. But they are now available so why shouldn't we indulge or re-indulge.
Series I am looking out for.
Life on Mars (US)
Dead Set (UK)
True Blood (US)
Survivors (UK)
Merlin (UK)
Legend of the Seeker (made here but US)
Wallander (UK)
Eleventh Hour (both US and UK series)
Fringe (US)
DollHouse (US)
Ripper (UK?)
And I recently treated myself to FreeviewHD- which means I have rediscovered TV- at least with the channels I can get- come on Sky stop charging for your free to air Prime station and let us enjoy doctor Who in HD-